Session 1 – Eatwell Guide This lesson will develop the learner’s understanding of the different food groups and why we need them in varying amounts.
Session 2 – Carbs This lesson revisits what starchy carbohydrates are and takes a closer look at the various types that we regularly see in foods.
Session 3 – Sugar This lesson will focus on how sugar affects our health if we eat too and more specifically, how to identify foods that are high in sugar.
Session 4 – Animal Origins This lesson will recap on the roles that the protein, fats and dairy food groups play in the body and look at where these foods come from.
Session 5 – Fruits and Veggies This lesson highlights the variety of fruits and vegetables that are available for us to eat.
Session 6 – Water and Live Well This lesson is the final of the programme and will look into dehydration along with other ways to keep healthy.